Terms Of Service

SayHiSport.Com is a real-time live football streaming platform that allows sports lovers all over the world to find the greatest sports matches. Please take your time reading the following material and make sure that you agree with the terms of use when visiting our website. Kindly refrain from using the website if you disagree with any conditions of use. 

Please take time to refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle the personal data that we acquire from you and how we utilize cookie files on the website.

Website Content

The information we offer on SayHiSport.Com is solely for general informational purposes. We never upload unethical content. And you can use our website completely free.

We try to deliver the most reliable information on football match listings. However,  the information is solely offered for accurate purposes and you accept that we are not responsible for the truthfulness or substance of any information found on our website. Therefore users should take it at their own risk. 

The content on SayHiSport.Com may change at any time due to the change of third parties (TV stations, online streaming providers...). Although SayHiSport.Com frequently updated new designs and features, but we can not guarantee that it is error-free. We have the right to update the provided information without prior notice. So it could become out-of-date at any time.

Limitation of our liability

You accept that SayHiSport.Com is not responsible for any loss or damage that results from your use of our website services, or any other SayHiSport.Com content.

You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights and all content published on the website are owned by SayHiSport.Com or licensed to SayHiSport.Com. 

Our website is only for personal use. We will immediately ban your account without a refund if you try to share your login information with anyone.

You do not have the right to record or reproduce content for any commercial or business objectives. Any portion of the content on SayHiSport.Com can not be used for profit. 

You will not hold us liable for any loss of revenue or business unless the content is considered unethical, invading a person's privacy, or breaking any law.


Users accept that SayHiSport.Com is not in charge of any loss or damage brought on by a virus when you use or download any content from our site. You have to indemnify and hole responsibility lawly to SayHiSport.Com if you attempt to maliciously utilize malware or launch attacks on the website. 

External links and sources

You acknowledge that our external links to third-party platforms are only offered for informational purposes. We take no responsibility for the content of websites linked to our site and have no control over the content published on those websites.

Users are allowed to link to our website, just make sure it is legal and without harming our reputation.